Filmmaker - Producer - Screenwriter

Every human being has a story to tell, to share: the need to tell a story that deserves to be told. An essential communication between human beings because we come to the world to learn from each other, and those stories, keep our only greatest treasure: our individual learning.
Todo ser humano tiene una historia que contar, que compartir: la necesidad de narrar una historia que me merece ser contada. Una comunicación esencial entre los seres humanos pues venimos al mundo a aprender de unos y otros, y esas historias, guardan nuestro único y mayor tesoro: nuestro aprendizaje individual.
My Work
I love you, my son
Te quiero, hijo mio

"Bitch, I love you" is a collective film produced by Dix-huit jours, a feature film made up of 10 short stories directed by female directors. Emilia Ruiz participates with her short film "I love you, my son".
Synopsis: A mother and her son with cerebral palsy have been in a daily intensive care relationship since the tragic accident that left him a quadriplegic. Today, under the routine of washing, that close relationship between mother and son will cross the fragile limits that unite them.
"Perra, te amo" es una película colectiva producida por Dix-huit jours, un largometraje constituido por 10 relatos dirigido por directoras. Emilia Ruiz participa con su cortometraje "Te quiero, hijo mío".
Sinopsis: Una madre y su hijo con parálisis cerebral mantiene una relación de cuidados intensivos cotidianos desde el trágico accidente que lo dejó tetrapléjico. Hoy, bajo la rutina del aseo, esa relación estrecha entre madre e hijo cruzará los limites frágiles que les une.
To feel your broken arms
Sentir tus brazos rotos
Luz is a little girl who shows a clear nursing vocation after her father's fateful accident. With the strong desire to feel again in the arms of her dad, Luz will create around her father's limited life a universe, giving hope to their lives, until one day, everything stops.
Luz es una pequeña niña con una clara vocación de enfermera tras el fatídico accidente de su padre. Con el vivo deseo de sentirse nuevamente en los brazos de su papa, Luz creará un mundo alrededor de las limitaciones de su padre, dando una esperanza a sus vidas, hasta que un día, todo se detiene.

6 Awards, 3 Nominations & 53 screenings
Cowboys and indians
Indios y vaqueros

Leo plays "cowboys and Indians" every day at home. Today, aged just five, he learned a new game.
El juego diario de Leo en casa son los “indios y vaqueros”. Hoy, con 5 añitos, aprendió un nuevo juego.
67 Awards, 25 Nominations & 229 Screenings
Isabel is an octogenarian woman who lives alone at home and hardly relates to her neighbours. She hasn’t slept much the night before and the day seems longer than usual. Absorbed in her memories and daily activities Isabel will come across a feeling that has lived within her throughout her life.
Isabel es una mujer octogenaria que vive sola en casa y apenas se relaciona con sus vecinos. La noche anterior casi no ha dormido y el día se presenta más largo de lo habitual. Entre sus recuerdos y sus actividades cotidianas Isabel se reencontrará con un sentimiento que la ha acompañado toda su vida.
Such a small world
El mundo tan pequeñito

12 Awards, 6 Nominations & 74 Screenings
Non-refundable ticket
Pasaje no reembolsable

Maria decides to travel abroad in search of a better life. The ticket is non-refundable.
María decide viajar a otro país en busca de una vida mejor. El pasaje no es reembolsable.
6 Awards, 4 Nominations & 66 Screenings
Two former students of the Sorbonne in Paris -Laurent and Catalina- meet unexpectedly at a University Library in Barcelona. Both seem to have rebuilt their lives but as the conversation deepens the memories of the past reemerge disclosing the nature of their past love relationship.
Dos ex-estudiantes de la Sorbona en París Laurent y Catalina se encuentran inesperadamente en una biblioteca universitaria de Barcelona. Ambos parecen haber rehecho sus vidas pero conforme la conversación se va intensificando comienzan a surgir todos los recuerdos y su relación en el pasado.
Emilia Ruiz was born in Barcelona, Spain and lives in Paris. Filmmaker, producer and screenwriter, she holds a Master's Degree in Cinematographic Direction from the European University Campus and San Miguel University in 2015. She is also producer of CLAVELITO Films, a production company she created in 2012, which promotes her short films.
Her artistic career goes through a solid training of actress: Graduated in Technical Meisner by Javier Galitó-Cava and Rachel Adler, she also followed the teachings of John Strasberg, Alejandro Giles, Patrick Wengenroth, Guillermo Ghio, Kari Margolis, Alejandro Catalan, Joseph Alford, Bob McAndrew, Enrique Vargas, Christophe Marchand and Boris Rotenstein.
Emilia has worked as an actress on various short films and plays in Spain. This training completed her explorations in the corporal field, since she already practiced dance (Flamenco, belly dance). She studied the Fitzmaurice method with Catherine Fitzmaurice, Linklater with Christine Adaire, and the Feldenkrais method, bioenergetics, movement and voice.
She has worked as a playwright, stage designer and actor coach for various theater and film projects. Her passion for writing and her acting experience naturally oriented her towards the audiovisual industry. In 2012, she was invited as a Coach of actors on the feature film “El Árbol sin sombra”. And the same year she made her first short film. In 2018, she was jury president of Cortiamo Film Festival in Sicily.
In 2019 she participated in "Film Script Development Workshop" by Julie Ponsonnet and Philippe Barrière at the European Film Production Training Center (CEFPF) in Paris as well as in "Script Cycles Workshop” by Sophia Glass at the Aleph-Écriture Training Center.
To date she has written, directed and produced with CLAVELITO Films 5 shorts. His first four short films, screened in numerous international festivals, already total more than 76 Awards and 33 nominations.
In 2023, Emilia Ruiz participates in the collective film "Salope, je t'aime" with her short film "Je t'aime, mon fils". A feature film made up of 11 short stories directed by female directors and produced by Dix-huit jours.
She is currently immersed in several writing projects.
Who cares
A quién le importa

"Who cares" is a script by Emilia Ruiz, a projet in the process of being rewritting.
Synopsis: When Elisandro, 12 years old and angelic in appearance, discovers the Madrid scene o the 80s, he has the possibility of emancipation. During his nocturnal escapades he creates a new self, ceasing to be a withdrawn and lonely child to be someone else, a beautiful teenager girl in the prime of life. His new role as Lisa will make his live in compromising situations, haunted by the secret of her identity. But his love for Toni and the conflictive relationships between the urban tribes will end up revealing his secret.
"A quién le importa", es un guión de Emilia Ruiz en proceso de re-escritura.
Sinopsis: Cuando Elisandro de 12 años y aspecto angelical, descubre la movida madrileña de los años 80, tiene la posibilidad de emanciparse. Durante sus escapadas nocturnas llega a crearse un nuevo yo, dejando de ser un niño retraído y solitario para ser otro, una bella adolescente en la flor de la vida. Su nuevo rol como Lisa le hará vivir situaciones comprometidas, acechadas por el secreto de su identidad. Pero su amor por Toni y las conflictivas relaciones entre las tribus urbanas acabaran revelando su secreto.
"Black Hearts" is a script by Emilia Ruiz, a project in search of financing and production in France.
Synopsis: In the labyrinth of the old quarries of Paris, an impulsive and immature mother struggles to find the rabbit entrusted to her by her son, who died a year ago. But in her obsessed search, she must face the remorse of the past revived by the presence of the guide who accompanies her: a mysterious young cataphile who will make her reveal who they really are and why they met that night.
"Corazones negros", es un guión de Emilia Ruiz en proceso de financiación y producción en Francia.
Sinopsis: En el laberinto de las antiguas canteras de París, una madre impulsiva e inmadura lucha por encontrar el conejo que le confió su hijo, fallecido hace un año. Pero en us obsesionada búsqueda, deberá enfrentarse a los remordimientos del pasado reavivados por la presencia del guía que la acompaña: un misterioso joven catáfilo que le hará revelar quiénes son realmente y por qué se conocieron esa noche.
Black hearts
Corazones negros

The violence of happiness
La violencia de la felicidad

"The violence of happiness" is a script by Emilia Ruiz, a project in the process of writing.
Synopsis: In an apartment in a bourgeois district of Paris, a Spanish woman lives with a French film diva. Both, in their seventies, live secluded at home as if time has stopped, but an unexpected call from a former manager will give the artist one last hope, while the other will have to resume her old role of assistant and will have to face not only to the fragile health of his partner but also to the emotional feelings that they have been hiding for years.
"La violencia de la Felicidad", es un guión de Emilia Ruiz en proceso de escritura.
Sinopsis: En un apartamento de un barrio burgués de París, una española vive con una diva del cine francés. Ambas, en sus setenta, viven recluidas en casa como si el tiempo se hubiera detenido, pero una llamada inesperada de un ex-manager le dará al artista una última esperanza, mientras que la otra tendrá que retomar su antiguo rol de asistente y deberá enfrentarse no solo a la frágil salud de su compañera sino también a los sentimientos emocionales que llevan años escondiendo.